People who suffer from sciatic pain can obtain relief from their condition from undergoing chiropractic treatment. With the natural techniques provided by this medical expert, you are not exposing yourself to adverse side effects and long recovery period that are commonly linked with surgical procedures and intake of medication. Pain is managed, and you can expect to achieve a greater improvement on your performance and quality of life.
What is Sciatic Pain?
Sciatica is a condition that involves pain starting at the buttocks or lower back. This pain goes to one or both of your legs, which may persist and worsen. Moreover, the pain can be moderate or minimal, while others may experience a more frequent and constant uncomfortable sensation.
The type of pain is similar to a kind of discomfort that is somewhat achy, dull or as though you are being pierced by sharp needles. There are also other symptoms linked with sciatica such as tingling or numbness, as well as a burning sensation on the affected area. However, it is worth noting that sciatica is not a medical condition in itself since it is more of a physical symptom of a health disorder.
Causes and Diagnosis of Sciatic Pain
The common causes of sciatic pain include subluxations on the lumbar spine, childbirth, pregnancy, tumors and slipped discs. There are also disorders linked with this symptoms such as constipation and diabetes. With compression of the sciatic nerve, paralysis of one limb may occur, which further progresses into pain and inflammation.