We all suffer from difficulties in having a bowel movement at some point in our lives. Stools may turn out as small in size, hard and dry, which make them very difficult to eliminate from your body. This condition is referred to as constipation, and it is often linked with bloating and straining, among other symptoms. When this occurs, the colon is either absorbing excess water or the muscle contractions in the colon are sluggish.

Causes of Constipation

Various factors can affect having dry and hard stools. These factors include dehydration and eating foods that are low in fiber yet high in sugar. Other causes may be laxative abuse, holding back the need to defecate, lack of physical activity, stress, anxiety, magnesium deficiency, thyroid inactivity, food intolerance and sensitivities, and liver problems, to name a few.

Tips to Prevent Constipation

Dietary changes can help improve your condition, considering the fact that hard stools often result from a poor diet. This means, you should consume foods that are higher in fiber while increasing your fluid intake. It is also important that you stay active through regular exercise to facilitate total health.

A proper eating habit is also recommended to achieve regular bowel movements. For instance, be sure to take your time as you eat by chewing food thoroughly. Frequent smaller meals a day is also a better option, as compared to consuming too much food in one sitting. Make it a point to eat more whole grains, fruits and fresh vegetables. Since hard stools are often linked with low magnesium supply in the body, then you need to include leafy vegetables in your diet as these are rich in this mineral.

When you find yourself suffering from constipation, make sure you keep your diet and physical activity in check. Choose naturopathy, a way to address your condition for a safer and more effective means of staying healthy.

Dr. Katie Mercer

Dr. Katie Mercer

Naturopathic Doctor

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